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Philae Temple

Aswan, Aswan, Egypt

Aswan, Aswan, Egypt
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Overall Experience: 7 / 10
Date Visited: Sunday, February 24, 2008

Philae Temple is an Egyptian temple that was moved from one island to another when the Aswan High Dam was built. Since it's an island, you will need to take a boat to get there. There are many boat operators nearby that will be happy to take you to the island possibly for a fee.

The scenery on Philae Island is beautiful. The island is fairly small, so from every point outside the temple, you can see the water and vegetation such as small shrubs, plants, and flowering bushes. The natural beauty of the island somehow fits nicely with the ancient beauty of the temple.

Compared to other Egyptian temples, Philae Temple doesn't really offer anything that interesting or unique. It is fairly well preserved, with large parts of the roof still intact. The reason I enjoyed Philae Temple so much was that the surrounding scenery was much different than all the other temples.


Foreign tourists pay 40 LE each for entrance to this site. Both still and video cameras are permitted.

Estimated Visiting Time

The temple and the surrounding area are very nice. Expect to spend around one hour on the island itself, and then another 20 minutes each way taking the boat to/from the island.

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Estimated Visiting Time

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