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Museum of Gallo-Roman Civilization

Lyon, Rhône-Alpes, France

17, Rue Cléberg
Lyon, Rhône-Alpes, France
+33 4 72 38 81 90
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Overall Experience: 7 / 10
Date Visited: Wednesday, September 9, 2009

The Museum of Gallo-Roman Civilization (Musee de la Civilisation Gallo-Romaine) is a museum in Lyon dedicated to the area's Roman history. The city of Lyon is located in the area that was once the main city of Gaul. The museum has a huge collection of Roman artifacts, including statues, large blocks with writing on them, mosaics, and furniture. The museum site is also located next to an old Théâtres Romains de Fourvière.

The museum building itself is quite nice. It is designed to blend into the landscape. From the inside, the building is quite large. When viewed from the outside, it looks very small, although you can make out a couple windows in the hillside where the building is located. The museum is laid out very intelligently so that there is only one way to walk through the museum, and you get to see everything.

Almost all of the artifacts had descriptions in both English and French. There were a couple items that were only in French, but they were minimal.

Estimated Visiting Time

Depending on how interested you are in Roman history, and in the history of the area, visitors can expect to spent at least 30 minutes here, and possibly up to 2 hours. Be sure to also allow time to tour the theater.


Entry to the museum costs 4€ for adults, and 2.50€ for students.

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Estimated Visiting Time

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Théâtres Romains de Fourvière