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Church of the Primacy of Peter

Tabgha, HaTzafon, Israel

Tabgha, HaTzafon, Israel
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Overall Experience: 3 / 10
Date Visited: Sunday, March 23, 2008

The Church of the Primacy of Peter is located in Israel, on the northern edge of the Sea of Galilee, very near the Church of the Loaves and Fishes. It's a small church, with a slightly larger park area through the entranceway of the church. The church is built on the water, so if you go around to the back of the church, you have a nice view of the Sea of Galilee. (It's quite dirty, so don't swim!)

Inside the church, there is a small altar, but there really isn't that much to look at. The stone by the altar is said to be the stone that Jesus and his disciples ate fish on.


This is a free attraction. There is no entrance fee charged.


There were signs in front of the church saying that no shorts were allowed, but it was 38 degrees, so I don't know how anybody could be wearing pants. Nobody said anything.

Estimated Visiting Time

There really isn't very much to see here - 15 minutes should be a sufficient amount of time to walk around the church, and appreciate the gardens outside.

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Estimated Visiting Time

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Church of the Loaves and Fishes