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Church of the Loaves and Fishes

Tabgha, HaTzafon, Israel

Tabgha, HaTzafon, Israel
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Overall Experience: 5 / 10
Date Visited: Sunday, March 23, 2008

The Church of the Loaves and Fishes is theoretically built on the site where Jesus multiplied fish and bread. It's located on the north side of the Sea of Galilee. The church is quite modern, and has a nice exterior garden.

Inside the church, parts of the floor (which are roped off) are made of a very old mosaic. This church was built on the site of another old church, and part of the floor is from the original church that was built on this site.

At the front of the church, there is a small altar built over a small rock which is supposedly the rock on which Jesus multiplied the fish and bread.

This church is located very near the Church of the Primacy of Peter. It is only a 5-minute walk away, and worthwhile checking out if you're in the area.


This is a free attraction.


There is a large parking lot in front of the church.

Estimated Visiting Time

The church is quite small - visitors should be able to look around and appreciate the mosaics in 15-20 minutes.

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Church of the Primacy of Peter