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Church of St. Joseph

Nazareth, HaTzafon, Israel

Nazareth, HaTzafon, Israel
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Overall Experience: 4 / 10
Date Visited: Saturday, March 22, 2008

The Church of St. Joseph is located immediately across from the Church of the Annunciation. Compared to the Church of the Annunciation, it is small and unimpressive. Supposedly, this church marks the site where Joseph's carpentry shop was. The church is built on an earlier site, which can be seen from inside the church. The main level of the church is a church, but there are stairs leading below. The stairs take you to an earlier structure (which isn't really recognizable).

From the lower level, there are sections of the floor that are covered by viewing glass. Through the viewing glass, visitors can observe large pits in the ground which may have been used as a primitive refrigerator or storage area.

Outside the church, there is a small sign that explains a bit about the history of the site. Inside the church, there is no information about what you are looking at - even in the downstairs "historical museum" area of the church. There wasn't much to see down there besides the rock, and the church itself wasn't very interesting to look at, which is why this attraction receives its low rating.

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There really isn't that much to see here. We didn't even know the church existed, and just stumbled upon it while visiting the much larger Church of the Annunciation. Visitors should allow 10-15 minutes.

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Church of the Annunciation