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Waterloo-Wellington Flight Centre: Introductory Flight

Breslau, Ontario, Canada

P.O. Box 349
Breslau, Ontario, Canada
N0B 1M0
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Overall Experience: 9 / 10
Date Visited: Wednesday, August 2, 2006

The Waterloo-Wellington Flight Centre offers flying lessons for people who want to learn to fly. They also offer an Introductory Flight for only $49.95. This is a fantastic deal - for only $50, someone with their flying license takes you up in a tiny (very tiny) plane and lets you fly around in the area for a short while before landing.

The entire experience takes approximately 30 minutes. However, when we were there, we spent about 45 minutes waiting for the pilot before we actually left.

The plane itself is very, very small. There is barely enough room for two people to fit inside it. It's not your typical flying experience - it's completely different than larger commercial planes. The flight is much slower. I was shocked at how little speed was necessary to get airborne. The flight is also much bumpier. If you get motion sick easily, this may not be an experience you'd enjoy.

If you've never flown in a small plane, this is quite the experience, and you won't soon forget it.


Parking is free. You can park right next to the Flying Center building (just south of it, actually) facing the fence where the planes are located.


The introductory lesson is $49.95 for a 30 minute flight.

How To Book

Reservations are necessary - you will probably need to call about a week in advance.

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How To Book

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