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Sugar Daddy's Nightclub

Mississauga, Ontario, Canada

5165 Dixie Road
Mississauga, Ontario, Canada
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Overall Experience: 4 / 10
Date Visited: Friday, April 25, 2008

I visited Sugar Daddy's Nightclub in Mississauga this Friday, because I heard they played dance/euro music on Friday nights. We arrived around 11:00pm, and the club was completely dead. There may have been one or two other groups on the inside. There was a DJ playing some music on the main floor, but (obviously) nobody was dancing. The music selection was mostly hip hop, with a little bit of latin music thrown in.

We had some time to explore the club, so we walked around a bit. The club was actually quite nicely decorated. The decor is moderately upscale and modern looking.

The club has two levels. The bottom level has a large dance floor, which is surrounded by a number of seating areas. Early in the evening, the dance floor on the second level is playing the same music as the main level. The large DJ booth on the main floor has seating behind it, and it's open - you can walk behind the DJ and see the computer and software he's using to play songs. I thought that was quite neat.

Around midnight, the club started to fill up. There were a reasonable number of people there. The DJ's switched - the DJ that had been mixing the "warm up" music went upstairs, and another DJ took over.

At this time, the music on the main floor became all hip hop. We followed the other DJ upstairs to see what he would play. We chatted with him for a bit, and he said he would be playing mainly top 40 songs.

When he started playing, we discovered a big drawback about this location. The main level is open to the above dance floor - it's like a big atrium. To try and keep the sounds separate, the club has large curtains hanging, but they do an awful job. While we were listening to the music upstairs, we could still here the music downstairs. This created a really unpleasant combination of sounds. The DJ tried to increase the volume to drown out the sound from downstairs, but he was unsuccessful. Instead, the music just became really loud, and uncomfortable to listen to.

Disappointed with the music selection and the poor acoustics on the upper level, we decided to leave around 12:30a. During the 30 minutes we were sitting around upstairs, we saw a few people come up, but they just want to the upstairs bar. There was no line at the upstairs bar, since there were no people there.


There is a $10 cover charge for me. Women are free all night.


The advertised dress code said no running shoes or sports wear, but they didn't seem to be too strict about enforcing the rules. Nice jeans, and black running shoes were fine. Most people were wearing nice jeans and nice shirts.

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