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Spoon of Hummus Restaurant

Acre, HaTzafon, Israel

Acre, HaTzafon, Israel
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Overall Experience: 6 / 10
Date Visited: Friday, March 7, 2008

This restaurant is located in the old city of Acre (also known as Akko). It offers traditional Arab/Israeli food for fairly cheap prices. In the traditional middle-eastern way, the table ordered a number of small "salad" items, and everyone shared those for lunch. The menus were also written in English, although they didn't offer much description.


Very casual


The food is comparable to other restaurants of this type - fairly cheap.

Items Ordered

Pitas and Pickled


These items were brought to the table for free. It's assumed that whatever you order, you're going to be eating it with pitas. the pitas are provided for you.


Cost:13 NIS

I think this is what Meshuashe is - it is just like "chunky hummus". More chickpeas that aren't completely blended are added to the hummus. It gives it a little more "substance" - kind of like chunky peanut butter!

Hummus Extra

Cost:16 NIS

This "Hummus Extra" was hummus with some tahini and extra chickpeas on top. The hummus tasted like regular hummus.


Cost:10 NIS

Falafels are excellent. If the hummus doesn't provide enough chickpea for your diet, you can always add some fried chickpeas! Frying anything always makes it better. Falafels are no exception to that rule. These falafels were quite good.

review contents

Items Ordered
Pitas and Pickled
Hummus Extra

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