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Siam Dish

Burlington, Ontario, Canada

1477 Lakeshore Road
Burlington, Ontario, Canada
L7S 1B5
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Overall Experience: 8 / 10
Date Visited: Saturday, June 16, 2007

Siam Dish is located on the Lakeshore in Burlington. The interior is nicely decorated with clean washrooms. The patio is very close to the lake, but does not offer a very good view due to a number of large trees in the way. The noise of the cars (as the patio is right next to the road) can be distracting.


Appetizers are between $5-$10
Entrees range from $11-$25
Beer is around $5
They have a lunch special for $6.95 that includes soup, a spring roll, and a small entree. What a deal!


The restaurant is fairly casual. Out on the patio on a hot day, shorts and a t-shirt are perfectly acceptable, but for inner dining, pants may be more appropriate.

Items Ordered

Spring Rolls


It’s hard to screw up a spring roll. These were your typical fried spring roll. They were a little on the small side, but still made a tasty appetizer. They were served on a bed of thin, crispy rice noodles, and some grated carrots and beets.

Rad Nha with Chicken


The Rad Nha was made with rice noodles, and the flavor of the rice could really be felt all through the dish. Rice isn’t usually an overpowering flavor, but here it was unpleasant. There was a scant few pieces of broccoli amongst the noodles, with a few more pieces of grated carrot and chicken.

The menu sold this as a broccoli dish, but there was hardly any broccoli. For some reason there was a taste of fish. I did not enjoy this dish.

Pad Thai

The Pad Thai was quite tasty. It was mostly noodles, with a moderate amount of bean sprouts, and a few pieces of chicken. It came topped with two shrimp. The shrimp appeared to be barbecued, and had the flavor of the rest of the dish. They were quite enjoyable. The Pad Thai had an excellent nutty flavor, and was not overly saucy or runny. The sauce was flavorful with just the right amount of spice.

Overall this was very good dish. It was nutty, and the sauce was great.

review contents

Items Ordered
Spring Rolls
Rad Nha with Chicken
Pad Thai

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