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Sears Tower - Skydeck

Chicago, Illinois, United States

233 S Wacker Dr # 7200
Chicago, Illinois, United States
Overall Experience: 8 / 10
Date Visited: Wednesday, August 31, 2005

As of the time of writing, the Sears Tower is the tallest building in Chicago, and boasts the tallest observation deck. At the top of the tower, there is an indoor observation deck, and a set of exhibits that discuss the view, Chicago history, and city planning.

Although the Sears Tower Skydeck is higher than the John Hancock Tower - Observatory, the view of the downtown area isn't quite as good, since the Sears tower is located in the main downtown area. You do get a top view of a lot of the nearby buildings, which is pretty neat.

If you go just before sunset, you can view the city during the day, at sunset, and at night when everything is lit up. The indoor exhibits and displays can provide a fun way to pass the time while you are waiting for the sun to set.


$12.95 for an adult

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John Hancock Tower - Observatory