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Lava Flowing Into The Ocean In Hawaii

Volcano, Hawaii, United States

Volcano, Hawaii, United States
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Overall Experience: 6 / 10
Date Visited: Monday, May 19, 2008

One of the main reasons people go to the city of Volcano in Hawaii is to see flowing lava. As of the time of writing, the only place where you could see flowing lava was outside the Volcano National Park. When the lava was flowing inside the park, visitors could get right up next to it (and roast marshmallows over the lava). However, with the lava flowing outside the park, the local county decided that they should make this a more formal attraction, and prevent people from getting too close, which means your stuck viewing it from a few kilometers away. Still, if you're in the area, going to see the flowing lava is quite a neat experience!

Getting There

To get to the flowing lava, visitors should drive down highway 130 until the end. This is approximately a 1-hour drive from the Volcano National Park. City employees there will direct you to a parking spot. From there, it is approximately a 20-minute walk to the lava viewing area. Your walk will take you across some very neat terrain - the "path" is really just some stickers and cones placed on an old lava flow. The ground is uneven, so be sure to wear some walking shoes.

Once you get to the lava viewing area, you will be able to see the large smoke plume in the distance. If you're lucky, you will also be able to catch glimpses of red lava flowing into the ocean. Depending on the day, the view you will have of the lava can be very different. Lava is not visible everyday - it depends on the conditions.

The park closes at 10pm, and the gates to the parking lot are locked. If you want to stay after dark to view the lava (which is highly recommended), be sure to bring a flashlight so you can get back to your car. The path to the lava viewing area is not lit.


This is a free attraction. Parking is also free in the lot provided.

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Volcano National Park