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Hannah's Bella Bistro

Waterloo, Ontario, Canada

4 King Street North
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
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Overall Experience: 9 / 10
Date Visited: Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Seating:Dining Room

Hannah's Bella Bistro is an upscale "fusion restaurant" in Uptown Waterloo. The food is quite unique - their "banana basmati rice" is something I haven't been able to find anywhere else.

We were there for a late lunch (1pm), but it was still quite busy. The service was relaxed. Lunch took just over an hour.


Appetizers are around $10
Entrees are around $20


The restaurant is moderately upscale, but nice jeans are still acceptable.

Items Ordered



Apparently the type of bread and the sauce it is served with are changed daily, but today's selection was very interesting. The bread itself was quite salty. The sauce was also quite unique. At first, we were unable to place it, thinking it may have been a sardine or olive sauce. Then we discovered it was the bread that was salty, but still couldn't place what the sauce was. Our waitress was kind enough to enlighten us - it was a brown butter with chives.

Chick Pea Curry

Thai coconut curry with crisp vegetables, chickpeas, and banana basmati

The Chick Pea Curry consists of stir-fried vegetables in a curry sauce, with banana basmati rice. The banana-flavored rice mixes very well with the curry flavor, and really makes this quite the delightful mix. The dish can also be ordered with a chiken satay, and that would be a recommended addition for future visits. The quantity was quite large for lunch, and I was unable to finish everything.

Indonesian Chicken Satays

Spicy-sweet garlic and ginger marinated free-range chicken breast, served with banana basmati, stir-fried vegetables, and toasted peanut dip

The stir-fried vegetables had a bit of a lemon flavor and were quite good, not your typical plain vegetables. The chicken and banana basmati worked very well together, and the peanut sauce was extraordinary. This sauce was not like a typical Thai peanut sauce. It had a peanut flavor, but had a "sour" compliment taste - it worked very well with the chicken. The banana basmati actually had some banana in it.

review contents

Items Ordered
Chick Pea Curry
Indonesian Chicken Satays

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