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Gravity Climbing Gym

Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

70 Frid Street
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
L8P 4M4
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Overall Experience: 8 / 10
Date Visited: Saturday, October 6, 2007

The gravity climbing gym is a rock climbing area located in a warehouse in Hamilton. It's quite tricky to find, even if you have the address - it's located on the west side of Frid Street, near the north end (just south of the Hamilton Spectator building). It's located on the far west side of a warehouse that is also used for trucking, so you need to drive all the way to the back of the building (away from Frid Street).

I was new to climbing, but I was accompanied by experienced climbers. We each needed to take a test (eg. "what knot do you use when belaying?"). To pass the test, climbers needed to demonstrate that they could put on their own harness, they were able to tie the appropriate knots, and were able to belay properly. Those who passed the test were then able to belay. Anyone who could not pass the test was able to climb, but not belay.

The gravity rock climbing gym consisted of approximately twenty climbing walls - one of which looked extremely difficult, and extended onto the ceiling. There were three bouldering walls - one on the ground floor, and two in a smaller upstairs area (pictured here). The belaying ropes are attached to the ground, which makes it easier for those belaying (since the ropes don't need to be attached to their harness).


A day pass currently costs $13. Harnesses are available to rent for an additional $3. Shoes are also available to rent for a nominal fee, but you can also use your own running shoes (although they're not quite as effective as proper climbing shoes).

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