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Excelsior Caffe

Tokyo, Japan

Miyamasu-zaka Bldg. 1F/2F, 1-14-8 Shibuya, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150-0002
Tokyo, Japan
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Overall Experience: 5 / 10
Date Visited: Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Seating:Lower level

Excelsior Caffe is a small cafe in Tokyo, located outside the Shibuya station. They offer some small sandwiches, bagels, desserts, and coffee beverages.


Very casual; it's just a cafe


Some of the cold items (bagels/sandwiches) are in a display case up front. Take what you want and bring it to the counter. If you want to order a cake or coffee, go up to the counter to place your order. You can often order what you want by pointing since the staff doesn't speak much English.

Items Ordered

Cake and iced caffe latte

Cost:¥360 for the medium latte, ¥400 for the cake

The latte was pretty typical and quite tasty. The cake was surprisingly good. There was something about the cream that was especially good - I don't think it was a whipped cream, but possibly an 'edible oil product' that is now banned in the US :)

review contents

Items Ordered
Cake and iced caffe latte

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