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Ein Gedi Cafeteria

Ein Gedi, HaDarom, Israel

Ein Gedi, HaDarom, Israel
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Overall Experience: 2 / 10
Date Visited: Thursday, March 20, 2008

The Ein Gedi Cafeteria is the cafeteria for the Ein Gedi Kibbutz and Botanical Gardens. After spending a day at the botanical gardens, the cafeteria is attractive since it's close by. Visitors are permitted to take as much food as they'd like during one trip for 40 NIS per person.

Although the cafeteria is convenient (since there's not much else nearby), the food is either bland and tasteless or offensive. I was disappointed, since the food was of poor quality, and overpriced. It lacked both flavor and nutrients. Also, there were no dessert selections available.

To add insult to injury, after you finish eating, you need to clear your own plates, then separate your cutlery and dishes, and place everything separately onto a conveyor-belt system so it can be washed! Not only is the food of poor quality and overpriced, you need to do your own dishes!!

I happily ate residence food at a university cafeteria for a year, and never once was I as disappointed in the food as I was at this cafeteria. The food at the university cafeteria was infinitely superior.


Visitors pay 40 NIS per person. This is certainly not good value - go elsewhere.

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Ein Gedi Botanical Gardens