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Dyker Heights Christmas Lights

Dyker Heights, New York, United States

Dyker Heights, New York, United States
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Overall Experience: 5 / 10
Date Visited: Friday, December 5, 2008

Dyker Heights is a neighborhood in Brooklyn that has a number of houses that go "all out" with Christmas lights. The best viewing time is in the evening (between 7-9pm) in December. The nicest houses are on 83rd and 84th streets, between 11th and 13th avenues.

Going to see the houses is a change from Manhattan - the area is definitely a suburb, and has a very suburb feel to it. The houses are nicely decorated, but they're not incredible. Unless you're bored, it's probably not worth making the long trip out here.


Dyker Heights is just a neighborhood where lots of houses put up Christmas lights. It's free to walk around on the sidewalks.

Getting There

If you have a car - great! Use that to get to Dyker Heights. This is one of the few times that a car in New York City could be beneficial. Otherwise, it's probably best to visit on a weekday evening when the subways are on a normal schedule. From Manhattan, taking the N to 59th street, and then the R to 86th street is the easiest and fastest way to get there. From the subway stop, walk East to 10th Ave., then north to 84th street. By subway, it takes about 30-40 minutes to get there from Manhattan.

Estimated Visiting Time

Expect to spent about 15-20 minutes walking around, looking at the houses.

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Getting There
Estimated Visiting Time

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