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Istanbul, Istanbul, Turkey

Istanbul, Istanbul, Turkey
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Overall Experience: 4 / 10
Date Visited: Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Dervish is a restaurant/cafe located between the Hagia Sophia and the Blue Mosque. It has both a sit-down dining area, and a take-out counter.


The outdoor seating area at the restaurant looked marginally upscale, but shorts and a t-shirt would probably be fine there. It is a fairly touristy area, so people are probably wearing very casual clothes.

Items Ordered

Doner Sandwich

Cost:5 TYL

I was disappointed with the quality of this sandwich. It was mostly just bread, with very little meat. There were also a couple slides of lettuce and tomato. The lamb meat was also sliced very thinly. The large quantity of bread relative to everything else made the sandwich very dry. The meat did taste pretty good, though.

review contents

Items Ordered
Doner Sandwich

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Hagia Sophia
Sultan Ahmed Mosque (Blue Mosque)