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New York, New York, United States

56 Beaver St
New York, New York, United States
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Overall Experience: 7 / 10
Date Visited: Saturday, September 28, 2013
Seating:Main Floor Dining Room

Delmonico's is a famous restaurant in New York City. It has a lot of history - it's the first American restaurant that allowed patrons to order off a menu, and invented a number of famous dishes, including Delmonico Steak. The restaurant is nicely decorated and feels very homely (despite being fairly large). The food was all pretty good. The restaurant has a number of private rooms.


Smart casual is most appropriate, but many people were wearing jackets, while at least one was only wearing t-shirts. One group brought two small kids (around 4-5 years old) to the restaurant - that was probably a mistake. This isn't a family friendly environment.


Steaks are around $50.


Service was quite quick - I could see this being a good spot for a working lunch.



Items Ordered

Delmonico's Salad

Flavors of the season, Candied Hazelnut, Lemon Yogurt

The Delmonico's Salad consisted of a number of different veggies and fruits. It was hard to identify what they were. It looked like there may have been some grilled vegetables in here, too. The salad had a predominantly sweet flavor, and it felt like there was mayonnaise.

Delmonico Steak

Our Signature Steak: Vintage All Natural Boneless Rib Eye

The Delmonico Steak was very moist and flavorful. It was coated with salt, and topped with fried string onions. The steak was fairly large - probably around 10oz.

Filet Mignon

Vintage All Natural Tenderloin Steak

The Filet Mignon was a little bit dryer than the Delmonico steak - it could have benefited from a sauce. It looks a bit smaller than the Delmonico steak, but it was quite a bit thicker and was probably also around 10oz.

Classic Delmonico Potatoes & Cauliflower & Honey

Cost:$12 for the potatoes, $10 for the Cauliflower

We ordered two side dishes - the Cauliflower dish consisted of four colored varieties of cauliflower roasted and sweetened with honey. The Delmonico potatoes were very heavy - it felt like they were soaked in cream, topped with cheese and breadcrumbs, then roasted. They were very good.

Chocolate Caramel Peanut Butter Mousse

White Chocolate Ice Cream, Valhrona Chocolate Sauce

The chocolate peanut butter mousse dessert was very good. It had a good chocolate flavor, but the predominant flavor was certainly peanut butter - it was just bursting with peanut butter goodness. It was thick and creamy. The white chocolate ice cream was very mild and mostly tasted like vanilla.

review contents

Items Ordered
Delmonico's Salad
Delmonico Steak
Filet Mignon
Classic Delmonico Potatoes & Cauliflower & Honey
Chocolate Caramel Peanut Butter Mousse

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