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Coho Cafe

Redmond, Washington, United States

8976 161st Ave. NE
Redmond, Washington, United States
(425) 885-2646
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Overall Experience: 6 / 10
Date Visited: Saturday, November 27, 2010
Seating:Bar table

Coho Cafe is a typical American restaurant in Redmond, WA specializing in fish. The food was decent, but there wasn't anything special about it. There were a number of things that could have been improved.


Very Casual


Most dishes were between $12.99 and $19.99


The restaurant was full when we arrived around 6pm. There were tables free in the bar area which were just as good.

Items Ordered

Ginger Marmalade

Spiced ginger bitters, orange marmalade & agave soda

This tasted almost like a normal ginger ale. It wasn't a very strong ginger flavor, but it was very sweet. There were chunks of marmalade floating around in the soda that were a little bit gummy, but not unpleasant.

Peanut Crusted Petite Beef Tender

Singapore noodles, spicy peanut sauce & soy-brandy glaze.

This dish was heavily flavored with a peanut sauce. There were four small beef steaks sitting on a large bed of noodles and topped with a slightly spicy pepper. There were a lot of noodles compared to everything else. The peanut sauce tasted pretty average.

Wild Coho Hazelnut Salmon

Applewood grilled. Garlic mashers & seasonal vegetables.

The fish was a pretty typical fish of an average size. I was disappointed with the hazelnut sauce. It had hardly any hazelnut flavor and it mostly tasted like cream. When it was served, it looked like it may have just been a couple pieces of hazelnuts in a lump of butter. The mashed potatoes were very creamy. The green beans were lightly cooked and buttered.

review contents

Items Ordered
Ginger Marmalade
Peanut Crusted Petite Beef Tender
Wild Coho Hazelnut Salmon

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