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Canada's Wonderland

Vaughan, Ontario, Canada

9580 Jane Street
Vaughan, Ontario, Canada
L6A 1S6
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Overall Experience: 7 / 10
Date Visited: Saturday, September 22, 2007

Canada's Wonderland is an amusement park just north of Toronto, Ontario. For current admission prices and hours, check the Canada's Wonderland website. A single admission ticket is approximately $50, although that may change if there are any current promotions or deals available. Parking at the park currently costs $10 for a car, although that too may change.

Canada's Wonderland has a fair number of roller coasters and other attractions, but not so many that you can't visit them all on a single day (unless there are huge lines). During the month of September when we visited, the water park and many of the water rides were closed. Also, we did not visit the kids area, since we did not have any children in our group.

Apparently, due to regulatory restrictions in Canada, the roller coasters are not amazing record breaking coasters, but rather typical. There are two wooden coasters, and a number of steel coasters. Canada's Wonderland does offer a couple unique non-coaster rides that I haven't seen before, such as the PsyClone and Sledge Hammer (pictured here).


The Psyclone ride is a big swing. At the end of the pendulum, there is a ring of seats that rotates horizontally. The whole unit moves quite quickly, and is really quite enjoyable.

The Sledge Hammer

The Sledge Hammer consists of six "clusters" of seats (four groups of two). Each cluster is attached to an arm. The cluster spins horizontally, and the arms move up and down. The clusters themselves are also rotating along with all the other clusters. The clusters do not spin that quickly, and much of the excitement comes from the up-and-down motion of the arms. This isn't an incredibly exciting ride, but its unique shape makes it fun to ride.

Park Food

Pizza for lunch

If you eat at the park, you're just asking to get ripped off. Fortunately, there are a number of fast food establishments within walking distance from the outside of the park. You can also bring lunch in a cooler and eat it outside the park. But, if you want to maximize your time in the park, expect to over-pay for park food. The two slices of pizza pictured here cost $4.50 each (before tax). They were "pizza pizza" brand, but were significantly smaller than a typical pizza pizza slice.

Funnel Cake for an afternoon snack

Later on in the day, we decided to have a funnel cake. After all, what's a day in the park without funnel cake? The funnel cake pictured here was $9.99 (before tax).

review contents

The Sledge Hammer
Park Food
Pizza for lunch
Funnel Cake for an afternoon snack

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