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Cafe La Ficelle

Lyon, Rhône-Alpes, France

2, Avenue Doyenné
Lyon, Rhône-Alpes, France
33 4 78 42 23 26
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Overall Experience: 6 / 10
Date Visited: Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Cuisine:French Cafe
Seating:Outdoor tables

Cafe La Ficelle is a typical French cafe located in Old Lyon with lots of outdoor tables on the large sidewalk. They serve salads, crepes, beverages and Gelato. The food was all good quality, and it was a nice place to sit and enjoy the weather.

The menu included descriptions in English, and the waitress spoke a bit of English too.




Crepes are 4€-7€, salads around 8€.


Take a seat at a table and someone will be out to serve you. We got impatient waiting for our bill and went to the counter inside to pay when we were done eating.

Items Ordered

Orange Juice and Cafe Au Lait

Cost:3.50€ and 2.80€

The juice was a deliciously freshly squeezed orange juice. The Cafe Au Lait is not quite a cappuccino and not quite a latte, but somewhere in between. It was an enjoyable warm drink.

Caserta Italian Style Salad

Tomatoes, Mozarella cheese, basil, olive oil, lemon juice

This salad was delicious. The tomatoes were really fresh and flavorful. The cheese on the salad was pretty good as was the olive oil dressing.

Crepe Florentine

Creamy spinach, ham, cheese

This was a buckwheat crepe, which I liked quite a bit. It was very flavorful and filling. The creamy spinach was delicious. My only complaint is that there wasn't very much ham in the crepe.

review contents

Items Ordered
Orange Juice and Cafe Au Lait
Caserta Italian Style Salad
Crepe Florentine

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