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Boulders Beach Penguin Colony

Simon's Town, Western Cape, South Africa

Simon's Town, Western Cape, South Africa
+27(0) 21 786 2329
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Overall Experience: 7 / 10
Date Visited: Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Boulders beach and the African Penguin Colony is a South African National Park. A cordoned off section of the beach is home to the African Penguins. This section of the beach is only accessible via a wooden boardwalk that gives you an up close look at the penguins without disturbing their environment. The penguins breed at the beach, and you can see their babies at certain times of the year.

There is also an area of the beach where you can swim, but it was too cold to swim when we visited in the winter.


The usual entrance fee for a South African National Park applies here. The entrance fee appeared to be 80 Rand, although the fee was included with our day tour of the Cape Peninsula.

Estimated Visiting Time

If you are just visiting the penguins, 15-30 minutes is plenty of time to take pictures and watch the penguins waddle. There wasn't too much to see or do there otherwise.

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Estimated Visiting Time

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