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Boeing Future of Flight Aviation Center & Tour

Mukilteo, Washington, United States

8415 Paine Field Blvd
Mukilteo, Washington, United States
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Overall Experience: 8 / 10
Date Visited: Friday, November 26, 2010

The Boeing Future of Flight Aviation Center and tour is a combination ticket to both a small museum and a 90-minute tour of the Boeing assembly plant. The museum included a listing of all past Boeing planes, several full-sized airplane parts (including a complete cock-pit you can sit in), and some short movies and information displays.

The tour involves approximately 20 stairs and a 1/3 mile walk, although assistance is available if required.

The Tour

The tour starts off with a short video, then takes you to two separate locations within the Boeing assembly plant building - the largest building (by volume) in the world. A bus drives you to the plant, and between locations. Each location is located high in the building and overlooks assembly lines of various airplane models. On our tour we saw several 747s, 777s, and 787s at various stages of construction. The tour guide provided some high-level descriptions of the airplanes and their construction process. The information on the tour was interesting, but seeing the size of the building and the airplanes was the best part.


Admission is $15.50 and includes both the museum and guided tour of Boeing's facilities. Tours are available at multiple times during the day. Booking a tour in advance is advised.


We spent about 45 minutes in the visitor center. The tour lasts 90 minutes and it is recommended that you arrive at least 15 minutes before the tour to make sure you don't miss the bus. There are no cameras, cellphones, bags, or purses allowed on the tour. You can use lockers at the center for a fee, or leave everything in your car.

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The Tour

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