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The Hague, Zuid-Holland, Netherlands

The Hague, Zuid-Holland, Netherlands
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Overall Experience: 7 / 10
Date Visited:

Guided tours of the Netherlands parliament are offered from the lower level of the Knights Hall. They have several tours a day in English and Dutch. Most of the tours seemed to be in Dutch. You may want to reserve a spot in advance to find out when the next available English tour is. If there are not enough people they don't run the tour.


Cost is €8 for adults or €7 for students.

The Tour

After a 15 minute video giving the history of Netherlands political system, you enter the Knights Hall. Here the tour guide provides some information about the room and its past and present uses. It has a very interesting history, and seems to have been used for pretty much everything at one time or another. You are allowed to take pictures here.

After the Knights hall you walk outside where a brief description of the surrounding buildings is given. Next you enter the new parliament building. Here you have to go through security and check your bags - no cameras allowed. This process takes a bit of time for the group of 20-30 people.

In the new building you get a description of the architecture of the building. Then you enter the second chamber hall. The room is very modern and not all that impressive. Here there was another description of the room followed by a discussion and questions and answers. It took a while after we were done to exit the building since we had to find someone from security to let us out.

We had a very good tour guide and a good group of people. I think this made the tour more interesting and more entertaining.

Estimated Visiting Time

The whole tour lasted 1.5 hours.

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The Tour
Estimated Visiting Time

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