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Billy's Bakery

New York, New York, United States

184 9th Avenue
New York, New York, United States
(212) 647-9956
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Overall Experience: 5 / 10
Date Visited: Sunday, September 5, 2010
Seating:Indoor Table

Billy's Bakery is a bakery located in Chelsea in Manhattan. They sell a variety of baked desserts including cupcakes, cookies, cakes, and pies. The bakery is small but has a couple of tables and benches for eating in. It was very busy on a Sunday afternoon with people coming in and out frequently.

Items Ordered

Cupcake and milk combo


The cupcake was not one of the best I've had in NYC. This was a chocolate cupcake with a blue icing. I thought the icing was too sweet, and tasted too much like icing sugar. They had some pies that looked good, but I only tried the cupcake.

review contents

Items Ordered
Cupcake and milk combo

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