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Accademia Gallery

Florence, Toscana, Italy

Via Ricasoli 58-60
Florence, Toscana, Italy
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Overall Experience: 7 / 10
Date Visited: Tuesday, May 4, 2010

The Galleria dell'Accademia, or the Accademia Gallery, is one of many famous art galleries in Florence. The gallery is famous for housing Michelangelo's David. The statue is quite the sight to see in person and is a large and impressive piece of artwork. It is worth going to the gallery just to see it, and is the only reason the gallery received such a high rating. In addition to the David, the gallery houses about 6 unfinished sculptures by Michelangelo, lots of painted wood panels from the 1300s, and a few paintings. There is also a small musical instrument museum with mostly violins and harpsichords.


We spent about 90 minutes at the gallery, with a break to sit and enjoy the David. You could easily go through the museum in under an hour, and even less if all you want to see is the David. No photography is allowed in the museum. A few people tried to take pictures, but they were quickly reprimanded. There are free bathrooms and a gift shop in the museum.


Entrance to the gallery costs 6.50€ for adults. There was a long line when we arrived around 9am and an even longer line when we left around 10:30am. You can call ahead to reserve tickets for a particular date and time. The phone operators speak English and provide you with a number that you need to bring to the reservation window. The reservation line was much shorter, and moved very quickly. Reservations cost an additional 4€ per ticket. For reserved tickets, you need to pay with cash, and although the sign said exact change, they were giving people change if necessary.

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